Comelit Group for the 4th consecutive year among the top performer Italian businesses in the Champion Enterprises Ranking
“Recovery’s not enough, now we must run”
Friday 21st of May was presented at the Exchange in Milan the new edition of the annual Champion Enterprises Ranking. A study realized by the research facility Studi ItalyPost in collaboration with L’Economia of Corriere della Sera, one of the most important daily newspaper in Italy, that recognized in the national territory 800 businesses with a total turnover between 20 and 120 million euro and 200 top businesses between 120 and 150 million euro. The companies were selected following an accurate analysis of the available financial statements of the last six years (between 2013-2019) and a set of strict corporate and economic criteria. At the event were celebrated 1000 champions of Made in Italy, the 0,07% of the total number of Italian entreprises that according to the analysis of L’Economia and ItalyPost had the best performances.
This year, as well as the past 3 years, Comelit Group was confirmed in the group of the Italian top performer businesses.
The leading thread of the day surely was the caption “Recovery’s not enough, now we must run”, referred to all those companies that, despite last year’s emergency, kept on investing to favour the recovery and leave the crisis behind. At the event there was also Vittorio Colao, the digital transformation minister of Italy who reconfirmed the aspect of a great Italian entrepreneurship that didn’t stop investing in digitalization, even in such a difficult period like last year.
The national framework sees the 1000 Champion Entreprises producing a total turnover of almost 85 billion euro in 2019, 6 billion more than the last year and 14 billion more than 2017, with an average annual growth rate of 10,07% in the last six years. Numbers that witness the positive trend of the last years and that make us hope for a good economic recovery.
In details: Lombardy, the most crowded region of Champion Entreprises, with 323 businesses, produced an average revenue of 92.528.000 euro, with an average annual growth rate of 12,30%.